It's hard to believe Timber Rattler baseball ended almost a month a go already. It's also hard to believe the growing season is pretty much over. It sounds like we could see some temperatures at the freezing mark this weekend.
I headed down to the plot yesterday to gather up the remaining produce. There was a zuchinni that had gotten way too large, along with a few roma tomatoes and the last couple jalapeno peppers. It's surprising how quickly you can tear down something that took so much longer to get started.
I rallied up the troops this morning (Ann, Isaac & Brandon) to help tear out the garden. Lakeshore Cleaners, the landscape company who helped prepare the space for us, will be coming by next week to till everything under. It should be interesting to see how much better the soil will be at the start of next growing season...after have a lot more nutrients added in from the mulch and compost this year.
A BIG shout out to to everyone who contributed to this successful undertaking this year (sponsors/donators, green thumbs, grunt workers, etc.). I certainly couldn't have done it without you.
Below are a few photos of the tear-down today. Happy off-season!