Sunday, July 18, 2010

We're Rolling!

Today we went down to bring back our first sizable harvest. It has rained a lot this past week, so the mosquitoes are thick back there. We gathered tomatoes, kolrabi and a handful of radishes. Things look pretty good over all. The pole beans are almost reaching to the top of their structure. I also see another round of weeding in the near future.

The plan is to take this bunch to the Salvation Army tomorrow or Tuesday.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The First Fruit!

After kind reminders from several staff members that we have ripe fruit, I ventured out to the garden to harvest the first few tomatoes. I took in one of the big boy variety and four romas. They looked great...healthy, meaty and bright red!

On Wednesday home games, one of our radio partners, WVBO joins us out in front of the stadium prior to the game. A representative from St. Joe's Food Program joins them as well, encouraging fans to bring produce or non-perishable items to donate to the pantry. Those donating are then entered into a drawing for a Timber Rattlers autographed item that day.
Unfortunately we didn't play last night (it rained a little :-). Actually, as you may know, we had three major storms pass through in a seven hour period. So, I wasn't able to send the produce with St. Joe's. I'll be making a trip down there today to drop it off.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


A peek at how things are coming...

Almost-ripe Tomato

Kolrabi & Onions


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Weeds & More Mulch

Since we planted one month ago, its been exciting seeing the garden start to take shape. I'd say it's doing okay over all. We had a lot of rain in June, especially early, and the weather was a bit on the cooler side, so in general growth seems a bit slower than normal. But temps are picking up, and we should be able to harvest some things in the next couple weeks.

I've had a lot of game day staff members ask about the garden, including why we're doing it. I think the most rewarding part so far has been the opportunity to explain the project to interested people and chat about the good that it will do in the end. We recently placed two banners (Thank you, Ann, for designing it!) at the garden site, so fans understand what the project is about and who helped make it possible.

Yesterday we did our first thorough maintenance of the garden. The weeds were getting pretty bad, so it certainly took us a while to get from one end to the other. Mary Lee Lehr (ballpark customer service), Sarah Heth & Ann Mollica all turned out for the big event. Thanks ladies!
We thinned out the radishes and beets. I planted a couple small rows of chard in an area where some radish seed didn't take. And, Isaac and I got another load of mulch to add in, which meant another lesson in gardening from the attendant (Ali...otherwise known as Vladimir) at the Whitman Avenue yard waste site...good times.

Beets are slow but sure.

Another layer of mulch should help with the weeds.

Kolrabi is going strong.

Pole beans are on their way...